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Provisional registration within the MTF for the period 27 October - 6 December 2023

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Based on the request in the address of the MSE regarding the provisional registration on the MTF, was tacken the decision to carry out the registration for the period 27.10.2023 - 06.12.2023 of the following securities:
No Issuer ISIN Registration number Issue volume, units Nominal value, lei
1 S.A. „Agrotehnica” MD14AGTH1009 1004600071731 75.900 10
2 S.A. „Alet” MD14ALET1005 1002600035845 1523790 1
3 S.A. „Avicola-Talmaz” MD14AVTA1007 162008072 (nu-i reînregistrată) 634375 10
4 S.A. „Chimistul-M” MD14MIST1000 1003600039943 358963 10
5 S.A. „Curcubeul Primăverii” MD14CURC1006 1007603002803 17583 7
6 S.A. „Făuraș” MD14URAS1000 1003603007431 45001 10
7 S.A. „Galaxia - Cărții” MD14LAXI1005 1005604002736 66454 5
8 S.A. „Gezegen” MD14GEZE1000 1003611006659 5063 9
9 S.A. „Hidroinpex” MD14INPE1009 1003607005170 631.752 20
10 S.A. „Infomac” MD14FOMA1008 1003600166591 10117 15
11 S.A. „Izotermocon” MD14IZOT1009 1002600040508 49827 10
12 S.A. „ÎRDT-Dondușeni” MD14TEHD1008 1003604014601 4430 17
13 S.A. „Lucoare” MD14LUCO1008 1003602034078 67954 5
14 S.A. „Luceafărul - Drochia”  MD14LUCE1000 1003607011737 83052 4
15 S.A. „Lucoarea - Venus” MD14VENU1005 1009604002974 57967 5
16 S.A. „Profilcons” MD14PCSO1008 1003607012631 83822 5
17 S.A. „Roada Gliei” MD14GLIE1002 1002600020366 149804 1
18 S.A. „Tehoptimed” MD14TEHO1005 1003600087162 62877 12
19 S.A. „Unita” MD14UNIT1005 1002605000314 35829 25

During the provisional registration, sell orders can only be placed by the investment companies that performed the registration.
The placement of sell orders by other investment companies will be qualified as a violation.

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