MTF: |

Claim Resolutions

Solving the complaints and claims  
   Client complaints and claims are received at Moldova Stock Exchange in written form or by personal visit. Depending in which way the complaints and claims are received, there are solved in the follow ways: 
 The order of settling the complaints / claims through the personal visit
- All the claims / complaints received from customers are recorded in the Register for proposals and objections that is in the trading room of it;
- These complaints / claims are settled by the competent person (lawyer, administrator SAIT, IT department manager) depending on the issue and will take measures to avoid such cases in future;
- The person concerned shall inform the client about the result of settlement of the case;
The order of settling the complaints / claims that are received in written form: 
- These complaints are recorded in the Register of correspondence and settled by Market Supervision Department, involving other departments as appropriate.
- After examining the case, shall be prepared and submit written reply in the terms provided by law, which is 30 days;
- Responding to a notification / complaint is signed by the President or Vice President of MSE;

Disciplinary Committee is a collegial body authorized to examine internal MSE breach of the rules and regulations established by the Stock Exchange and / or NCFM and which exercises powers assigned by the Board of the Exchange, the approval of the Regulation gives the Committee powers to apply disciplinary sanctions.
Arbitratge of MSE settles disputes between members of the Exchange, the Stock Exchange's  agents,  between clients and members and / or agents. Arbitrage of MSE is organized and operates under regulations approved by the Board of the Exchange.