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Provisional registration within the ATS of securities starting with December 18, 2024 until the sale or completion of the sale procedure

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Based on the request received by the MSE regarding to the provisional registration within the ATS, the decision to proceed with the registration in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 20 and 26.1 of Decision NCFM no.15/4 from March 18, 2024, until the sale or completion of the sale procedure of the securities of the following joint-stock companies was approved.
No Name of Issuer  ISIN Registration number Issue volume, units Nominal value, MDL
1 JSC „Daniel P. Cahul” MD14DANI1007 1003603003466 68463 5
2 JSC „Gospodărașul” MD14GOPO1008 1003600057262 21606 10

During the provisional registration, sell orders can only be placed by the investment companies that performed the registration.
The placement of sell orders by other investment companies will be qualified as a violation.

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